Television as a Method of Mass Manipulation

Karl Mark referred to religion as the opium of the people. An illusionary and synthetic form of happiness. With religion not having as much control as it once did, a new competitor for mass manipulation and control was utilized. Television.

It's been a hard days work and your beginning to question ether there is more to life than working your ass off for someone else until you die. You begin questioning, what is the point? Is there something more? You get home and the T.V comes on. Let's worry about it tomorrow. Watching it is such a passive activity. How often have you sat there and just looked at the screen, not paying attention to what is actually going on? I've done it countless times. While you sit there your mind just absorbs countless amounts of information, without you even worrying about what's going in there. Buy this, don't do this, everything is okay. Just like opiates, it lets you sit there and wash away the worries of the world.

I don't think television was created purely for the purpose of power and control. No. What it seems though is that once something becomes popular amongst the masses, power tries to use it for mass control. Next on the list is the internet. This ones harder to use for control as it's created by the people and regulated by nobody. That's what makes it so wonderful. However, unlike televison, the internet and computers can be used for mass control on a scale we can't even imagine. Governments are paving the way with censorship and removing safeguards that protect us from information control, such as net neutrality. We finally have freedom of information and thought which we MUST hang on to, if we ever hope to evolve. Otherwise, the future may not be as bright as we once thought.
