5 Lies your Teachers and Parents Told you About Life

A university student writes...

Kids are pretty stupid. It's not their fault, in fact were al brimming with energy and creativity until society violently beats it out of us and tells us to get a job.

 Remember when you realized Santa Clause wasn't real? *sobs*. 

If we knew the state of affairs from the get go, then it would be a lot less painful when we go out into the real world. It's the fault of our oh so wise 'elders' filling our minds with rubbish that hurts us the most. 

Here's some of the biggest lies in history fed to you by your one and only capitalistic society. Don't worry, this article won't be too depressing... 

I mean yeah we've started out pretty negative... Flicking through on the proofread and I see nothing but misery... Hey I tell you what! Just for you, I'll make sure to stick in a little positive conclusion right now, just to avoid any unnecessary suicides. Wow that was dark... Onwards!

1) Employers look at your High School Grades

Scenario time...

”Yep, we'd love to have you as part of our marketing team Mr Smith... Oh hang on a minute, it's says hear you got a D in Geography fifteen years ago. I think your talents may be better suited in the town center singing Wonderwall repeatedly for two pence's. Someone who doesn't know the intricacies of erosion could hardly complete a task that they're trained to do.”

Really though! Does anybody else remember being told that their GCSE's (High school exams in the UK) actually matter. Once you hit a certain point, employers stop caring. It will even happen with your degree one day. Once you've had years of experience in a field, is anyone really going to care about them three years you spent 'finding yourself.'

2) You have to study and work hard to do well in life

You know what sucks. Seeing your friends who dropped out of college in 20k+ jobs, whilst your still in uni struggling to get together £20 for a book that you'll probably never read.

Everyone goes to university for different reasons, but if it's to earn a better living than people who spent them three years in employment, then forget about it. You'll still have to get them three years of experience behind you too. 

You know who got that sweet internship too? Yeah, that guy who used to wander into lectures an hour late and sit on Instagram the whole duration of the session. You know why? Because while you were hitting the books he was making contacts and figuring out illusive ways to worm his way into the system. 

I'm not saying don't study, just remember the bigger picture. University is a place for learning, you need to go into the outside world and do stuff too.

3) Just Be Yourself

I can't count the amount of times I've heard this one. I'm all for being true to yourself, but unless your going out on your own free-lance, then the world of work won't take to kindly to your “weekend self.

”Hello Mr Employer! I'm late most of time, I can't get out of bed in the morning and I spend most of the week in a state of crippling depression due to the excessive hedonism and debauchery.

 I've engaged in over the course of the weekend. No, it just doesn't work! Interviews are all about lying! Were do you see yourself in three years? Hopefully not here.

4) There's somewhere out there for everyone

In order for us to look at this one logically, I would like for you to refer to the graph above. As you can see males are vastly outnumbered.

 It doesn't matter how many warm fuzzy feeling you get from that person you stalk on Facebook (yeah we know), holding onto the idea of love (a chemical reaction in you brain by the way), will just make you more miserable. Sorry guys! the numbers just don't add up.

The truth hurts, your probably going to spend a large part of your life alone and you should feel sad about it. Next!

5) A high income will make you happy

Hey look, you could have the most well paid job in the world, but if you don't enjoy what you do then your going to be miserable. I recently turned down a very well-paid sales job so I could come back to uni and be broke for two more years. 

Why? Because the thought of sitting in an office making phone calls all day makes me physically sick. Pursue what you love and if you do it with complete determination then the money will come later. Don't settle for less for the sake of 'security' now. Long-term happiness is much more fulfilling then a “quick-fix.”

Obligatory positive conclusion that actually turned out relatively deep

Nah, life isn't nearly as grim as I've made it out to be here. You life is your life, you don't have to live it within the constituencies of what society deems acceptable. 

This is more of a reality-check for the sad state of adult life. I'm a firm believer in the fact that your never going to lead a happy and fulfilling life by following the rules As with anything though, you need to learn the rules before you can break them. Peace!
