5 Movies That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

Being in the age of technology, we spend a lot of time sitting in front of flashing boxes. Endless streams of content beamed into our brains every day, it can become a natural occurrence.

Have you ever sat in front of the TV before watching a film or TV show and you sort of just... Zone out?

Your'e not really watching it at all, or even following the plot-line, it just acts as a sort of background noise as you look at the screen. 

The amount of content being made every day, we just take it all in without even thinking about it. Then suddenly, from time to time something that makes us stop and tune in.

I've always had a thing for pieces of art and media that open your or alter your perspective. Looking back on a lot of the books, films, games etc. that I've consumed over the years. I've came to realize a lot of them have had a huge influence on me and a lot of my friends too.

I'd like to share these influential pieces of beautiful content, that have altered mine and many peoples minds across the world. I believe we are a product of our habits, environment and all we are exposed to in life. Everything that happens to us sinks into out subconscious mind and effects our future actions and behaviors. 

So, what a better place to start with this than movies! A thing we've all been watching from a young age. Let me take you on a mind-bending tour of some of the most mind-altering films ever concocted.

1) Into the Wild

So we've got this guy who's a top-class student at one of the most prestigious universities in America. He works diligently his whole education, saves up tonnes of money and graduates at the top of his class. Pretty standard success story yeah?

Wrong. All the good grades and hard work were a facade. He had a plan all along. Shortly after graduating he burns all his money and all forms of identity, then takes the a one way ticket to the open road.

Into the Wild challenges our views on western society by asking us what it really means to be human. From swimming with hippies on a beach in Colorado, to wandering Alaska alone. This movie will take you on a journey into the depths of human existence. 

he craziest part about this is that it is actually a true story. Honestly, look it up there's a book about it.

What you learn from this film: You are completely responsible for your own life. Live your life to the fullest and don't listen to how anybody else who tells you how they think you should live.

Films similar to this: The Road, On the Road, The Way.

2) Mr Nobody

This one will completely melt your brain and is definitely not for the faint-hearted. The plot-lines jumbled up on different time-lines within alternate universe. 

Brutal I know, but don't worry it all comes together beautifully at the end. Mr Nobody is all about choices. It shows us one characters life unfold based on the choices he makes.

More or less, each different choice he makes at one specific point in his life, breeds an entirely different story line. It shows us that there's more to life than what we perceive and holds us responsible for our own life choices.

What you learn from this movie: Life is about choices. Where you are now is a result of the choices that you have made. You cannot change yourself, as you are a product of your choices. You can however, alter the choices you make in the present, to change the direction of your life and who you are in the future.

Movies similar to this one: Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Requiem for a dream.

3) Samsara

Wow! This is a truly beautiful piece of art. Just so you know... there is literally no dialogue in this film whatsoever. 

Don't let that fool you though! Samsara provides lush cinematography and a progressive unfolding backstory, to keep you glued to the screen from start to finish.

It starts of nice and arty and then slowly gets darker and darker as it reveals the horrors of the modern world.

 No joke, this film will make you feel and think about things you never considered before. It's an
emotional journey through modern consumerism, from the underpaid workers in the east, to the privileged Americans in the west.

Yeah, it's a little preachy, but the fact they manage to convey such a strong message through moving pictures alone, is something quite incredible

What you learn from this film: Society pushes us to work for the 'system' our whole lies so we can acquire money. A currency which ultimately doesn't mean anything. We're then bombarded with propaganda and advertising to push us to consume material items and feed it all back into the system. It's all a cycle that keeps the rich, rich and the poor, well... Poor.

Movies similar to this one: Body Song, I Am, Chronos

4) They Live

I actually got showed this one by one of my lecturers back in university. He was a very liberal 'stick it to the man', sort of guy so again it's about modern society and capitalism. 

Although made in the 80's the message still rings true today. It follows the story of a man who finds a pair of sunglasses. Now, these sunglasses, when worn, allow him to see the true version of reality. 

For example, when you look at money whilst wearing these sunglasses, you just see a blank piece of paper that states, “THIS IS YOUR GOD.” 

To cut a long story short, he uncovers a conspiracy. One which reveals that the the worlds elites are actually aliens who created our society to control us.

What I learnt from this movie: All is not what it seems. Don't believe everything you see in the media or advertisements. Think for yourself, as a lot of those in power can often have sinister and greedy intentions.

Movies similar to this one: The Matrix, Dark City, 1984

5) Seven Pounds

Will Smith at his greatest. If the 'The Pursuit of Happiness' had you holding back for tears, then this one will have you weeping for weeks.
 In this film, a hardened tax collector sets out to change the lives of seven strangers in attempt to redeem the bad things he's done in his life. An absolute masterpiece from start to finish, that shows us how people have the power to change each other.

What you learn from this film: To be compassionate towards people as you never know what personal battle they are struggling with.

Movies similar to this one: The Pursuit of Happiness, Good Will Hunting, Pay it forward.
